Scientific coordinator: Professor E. Symeonidou Kastanidou
Coordination: KU Leuven,
European Commission, EU PROGRAMMES 2014-2020, JUSTICE PROGRAMME
Duration: 1/11/2020-31/03/2022
Partners: European Forum for Restorative Justice (Pan-European), Moderator Forum for Restorative Justice and Mediation (Belgium), Institute for Judicial Training (Belgium), European Judicial Training Network (Belgium), Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (Spain), Consejo General del Poder Judicial (Spain), Aristotelio Panepistimio Thessalonikis (Greece), National School of the Judiciary (Greece), Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (Italy), Scuola Superiore della Magistratura (Italy).
Reseachers: Gounari Vasiliki, Soulou Aikaterina
RE-JUSTICE is a project promoting, through training, a sustainable way to the process of raising awareness, building knowledge and developing skills and attitudes amongst the judges and public prosecutors, firstly and mainly in Greece, Spain and Italy and, ultimately to contribute to the promotion of the same process at the 27 EU MS level. In order to promote the effective application of the provisions of the Victim’s Directive, this training project on restorative justice targets the professional groups that for approximately 20 years have been identified by multiple European bodies and by previous EU funded projects, as presenting a need for training in this particular area.
To formulate a competency profile on restorative justice – relevant knowledge, skills and attitudes – for judges and public prosecutors.
To conduct an assessment of the training needs on restorative justice for judges and public prosecutors in Spain, Italy and Greece.
To design a training course on restorative justice that addresses the specific needs previously identified, using a blended learning approach.
To conduct a pilot delivery of the training course on restorative justice in Spain, Italy and Greece with the target groups of judges and public prosecutors.
To evaluate the pilot delivery of the training course in each of the 3 Southern EU countries
To disseminate the results of the evaluation and the final manual ‘Judiciary Training on RJ’.