Welcome to the Faculty of Law of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.
All of us who serve this School are aware of its long tradition of 90 years of contribution to the legal science, to the institutions, to the Greek society and to the country. Our goal is to continue its multifaceted work, constantly improving its performance and confirming in practice the very positive evaluations we receive both from the competent institutions and from society.
In this context, we do not forget that the main beneficiaries of our efforts are our students themselves. They constitute the focus of our work and it is for their sake that we work first and foremost. We know that a good School is a function of three factors: good students, good teachers and a good curriculum.
Our ambition is to make our School a place of creation, where you will be happy to live. There is no excuse for a School with presumably the most competent young people in its ranks, and some of the most deserving scholars in their field, not to be the most enjoyable place to educate, train and create. To live some of the best years of one’s life.
It is true that we do not live in easy times. Just as it is true that we are not lacking the means or the knowledge to face the great challenges of our time. Our times are being tested by the internationalisation of social, economic, professional and scientific reality. This internationalisation is the driving force behind the development of the legal science we treat. Our School, not by chance, is a pole of attraction for European students, who massively choose it to live in our country their Erasmus experience. And in the next academic year, we are launching an English-language postgraduate degree programme.
Our times are also being tested by the galloping digitalization of our activities. It is another bet that we will win with the valuable assistance of our administrative staff, who bear a great burden of running the School and touch us with their quiet contribution.
The Dean
Panagotis GLAVINIS
Professor of International Economic Law
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