Graduates holding degrees of other schools/departments are eligible to enter the law school through a special examination taking place on a yearly basis, provided they have completed at least a 2-year programme. Candidates are examined in three courses, namely Public International Law, Introduction to Legal Science, and Constitutional Law. The examination is conducted every fall; the highest-ranking candidates are enrolled in the first semester of the law school, and may not comprise more than 12% of the total number of students. The examination on the subjects of Public International Law and Constitutional Law will consist in both theoretical and practical questions; candidates are allowed to consult non-annotated legislation, including codes of law.
Pertinent Legislation
1) Ministerial Decree F.1/192329/B3/13-12-2013 (OG 3185 B)
2) Ministerial Decree No. 92983/Ζ1/11-06-2015 (ΦΕΚ 1329 τ. Β’/02-07-2015)