This project aims at analyzing different ways of improving the individual assessment of suspected and accused children in criminal procedure in 4 participating countries (Lithuania, Croatia, Cyprus, Greece).
The project’s research is focused on the implementation of Directive 2016/800 on “procedural safeguards for children who are suspects or accused persons in criminal proceedings” which foresees the suspected or accused child’s right to an individual assessment. Greece brought into force the directive by law Ν. 4689/2020.
On one hand the suspected or accused children would benefit from better evaluation of their needs and their situation: taking into account the child’s personality and maturity, economic, social and family background, including living environment, any specific vulnerabilities, such as learning disabilities and communication difficulties. On the other hand, the project addresses the views and needs of the professionals doing the individual assessment of suspected or accused children (social workers, psychologists, probation officers, other helping professionals) and professionals using the individual assessment of a child while taking decisions in different stages of the criminal procedure (investigators, prosecutors, judges).
The project aims at increasing of mutual knowledge and trust among professionals involved in the process of individual assessment of suspected or accused children, both – doing and using the assessment of a child.
EU countries have very different experience in individual assessment of suspected or accused children in the criminal procedure, it differs significantly among countries represented in this project too: legal regulation, the extent of use, network of institutions, practice varies from formal, episodic collection of not enough individualized characteristics to systematic individual assessment based on developed instruments.
Scientific director of the project is Mrs Aggeliki Pitsela, Professor of Criminology of Auth.
Duration: 1/1/2018 – 31/12/2020
In the links below you can watch the e-lessons that were made in the above mentioned frame by the research group:
1. 2. 3. Attachment:Handbook-Layout-WEB-taisyta