This course approaches the law of equality and non-discrimination from a comparative perspective. For this purpose, it is divided into three parts. The first part examines the concept of comparative law, the importance and the peculiarities of its use in relation to the law of equality and non-discrimination, as well as the international, supranational and national sources of this law. The second part examines, with the help of comparative law, the basic legal concepts of equality law and non-discrimination (i.e. the concepts of formal and substantive equality and the concepts of direct and indirect discrimination, harassment and positive action). The third part explores the most important of the prohibited grounds of discrimination (i.e. gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, age, disability), the problems that generate discrimination based on one or more of these grounds, and finally the solutions that are given to these problems by the EU and the ECHR law and the national legal orders.
Code: ELE79Teaching staff: Konsta Anna-Maria
ECTS: 5.00
Hours/week: 2
Cycle/Level: Undergraduate
Academic year: 2020-2021
Course type: Erasmus
Teaching Period: Spring
Teaching dates and hours: Tuesday, 14.00-16.00
Sector:International Studies