Conceptual and Substantive Issues of European Constitutionalism.
1. Introduction to European Constitutional Law
2. Are the Treaties the‘Constitution’ of the Union?
3. What kind of democracy forthe Union? Is there a democratic deficit?
a. The notion of representative democracy in the Union(Art. 10 Treaty of European Union)
b. Citizens’participation to the political governance of the Union(Art. 11 Treaty of EU)
c. The role of national parliaments in the EU (Art. 12 Treaty of EU) and Protocol 1
4. European Citizenship
5. The Union and Fundamental Rights
a. the CJEU case-law
b. The Charter of Fundamental Rights as a new source of rights: legal value
c. The role of the ECHR for the protection of rights at EU level
6. Constitutional principles: Subsidiarity
7. Institutions
a. The Council
b. The President
c. The Commission
d. The Parliament)
8. Separation of powers
9. The Relationship between EU law and national constitutions
10. The Economic Constitution ofthe Union
Code: ΕΛΕ35Teaching staff: Papadopoulou Triantafyllia Lina
Hours/week: 2
Cycle/Level: Undergraduate
Academic year: 2021-2022
Course type: Erasmus
Teaching Period: Winter
Teaching dates and hours: Thursday 12-14:00 pm
Classroom: ΔΙΑ ΖΩΣΗΣ ΑΙΘΟΥΣΑ 112
More info:
Sector:Public Law and Political Science