The course will focus on the international legal principles relating to the movement of persons across international borders, or, exceptionally, within a State. It will examine the legal sources of migration and refugee law, as well as the complex institutional framework in this field. It will also clarify definitional issues concerning the notions of irregular/economic migrant, refugee and asylum seeker and highlight the differences in the respective legal regimes. It will also examine the migration phenomenon in relation to public international law concepts of state sovereignty, nationality and statelessness, or extraterritorial jurisdiction and state responsibility. Furthermore, issues, such as refugee status determination, immigration control and enforcement, detention of migrants and asylum seekers will be presented from a global and regional perspective. Additionally, specific topics related to internal displacement, environmental migration, human smuggling and trafficking, forced labour, as well as international labour migrant standards will be briefly expounded. Finally, responses to the current refugee crisis will be discussed.
Code: EΡ174Teaching staff: Pergantis Vassilis
Hours/week: 2
Cycle/Level: Undergraduate
Academic year: 2021-2022
Course type: Erasmus
Teaching Period: Spring
Teaching dates and hours: Monday, 9:00-10:30
Classroom: 320, 3d floor
Sector:International Studies