The Law School Library provides access to the following law electronic subscription databases:
1. beck-online PREMIUM (Access only from the University) |
2. (password given only from the library)
3. HeinOnline Academic Core and Kluwer Law International Journal Library
(with VPN connection)
4. IAReporter. Investment Arbritration Report (password given only from the library)
5. JURIS Zusatzmodul Hochschulen, BGB Staudinger Online (with VPN connection)
6. Nomos – Law Information from NOMOS-INTRASOFT INTERNATIONAL AE (password given only from the library)
7. O.U.P Max Planck Encyclopedia of Comparative Constitutional Law
(with VPN connection)
8. O.U.P Oxford Public International Law (with VPN connection)
Material available only in Greek:
- Qualex (password given only from the library)
- 10. Sakkoulas Online – Βάση νομικών δεδομένων της εκδοτικής εταιρείας ΕΚΔΟΣΕΙΣ ΣΑΚΚΟΥΛΑ ΑΕ (password given only from the library)
- Nomos (password given only from the library)
- «Αρμενόπουλος» – Electronic edition. Thessaloniki Bar Association (password given only from the library).
- «Χρονικά Ιδιωτικού Δικαίου» and «Ποινικά Χρονικά» (password given only from the library).
- «Εφημερίδα Διοικητικού Δικαίου» (password given only from the library).